Thank you for being an essential part of the Soldner Center.
You are what nurtures the Soldner Center and what makes it come alive!

Make a donation to our General Fund or to the Ginny Soldner Poetry Collaborative through the button below.


 Help support our vision and grow our programming. All gifts are tax deductible. For further questions please reach out to

To donate stocks or securities, please contact our board treasurer Lonnie Buerge: or call 816-718-7130.

The Soldner Center is self-supporting which means all of our funding comes from workshops, tours, performances, donations and grants. We invite you to join us!

The Soldner Center is a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 87-1144373. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent of current IRS regulations.